An Illusion of Thieves
A Conjuring of Assassins
A Summoning of Demons

Glossary of the Chimera World

Terms and Locations in Common Usage
In the Language of the Old Costa Drago
In the Language of Paolin
In the Language of Typhon
Citizens of Cantagna
Beings of Myth
The Nine Independencies

A Summoning of Demons

A Conjuring of Assassins

An Illusion of Thieves


  Terms and Locations in Common Usage
Ascoltaré :   (ass-coal-TAH-ray) the Casting of the Nine Mysteries; traditional rite of augury;;
Ascoltaré needles:   needle-sharp etched bronze rods used in divination rituals;
boon:   a license fee for use of land, ie. tariffs that benefit wealthy citizens;
Cavalieri Teschio:   (cah-vall-YEHR-ee TESH-ee-oh) a smalltime kidnap gang operating in the lower rings of Cantagna; aka Skull Knights or Deaths Head Knights;
ghiri:   (GEAR–ee) bundle of pomegranate twigs to put over windows and doors for good luck;
gora :   (GORE–ah) icy winter storms on the northeastern coast;
Great Abyss:   the abode of demons; the afterlife for the wicked and suicides;
judiciar:   (joo–DISH–ee–are) judge from the Philosophic Confraternity who has final determination in cases of sorcery;
Mount Aguato:  (ah-GWAH-toe) an active volcano in Tibernia;
mysenthe:   (my–SINTH–ay) a highly addictive pleasure drug;
nan or gammy:  grandmother
natalé:   (nah–TAH–lay) bronze or glass statuettes placed on the grave of a dead child to divert demons;
Night Eternal/Boundless Nightl:   oblivion; the gods retired here;
nullifier:   person charged with hunting down and capturing magic users;
Perdition's Brink:  a ridge-top ruined fortress a short distance northwest of the city;
philosophist:   a permanent member of the Philosophic Confraternity who has been elevated to wear the red robes and serve only the Confraternity;
philosophist academician:  one who serves as a teacher at one of the Academies;
philosophist advocate:  one who is charged with promulgating the Canon of Creation and rooting out deviance from those beliefs;
philosophist enforcer:  one who serves as an officer in the praetorians, the military arm of the Confraternity, or one who oversees the hiring of nullifiers and the creation of sniffers;
praetorian:   (pray-TORE-ee-an) serves in the military arm of the Philosophic Confraternity
Quarter Day:   The first business day of each season; the day after the solstice or equinox.
segno/segna:   (SEN-yo/SEN-yah) honorific for a gentleman/lady;
segnoré/segnora; grand segnoré/grand segnora; :   (sen-YO-ray/sen-YO-rah) honorific for a head of a family (House) or for the head of a wealthy family (a great House);
Serpentine, the:  the steep winding secondary road on the north side of the city, leading from the Beggars Ring to the Heights;
Sestorale:   (sess-tore-AHL) the twenty-one member governing council of Cantagna; nine are elected by the people; twelve are elected from candidates nominated by the great Houses of Cantanga;
Shahdi:  (SHAH-dee) the indigenous people of Paolin with their own distinctive dialect and customs;
sleugh:   (slew) metal threshold trough holding oil and water to deter the entry of demons;
sniffer:   male sorcerer-slaves who detect and follow magic use;
solet:   (SOUL–et) small standard size coin struck in silver or copper; 100 coppers to one silver;
teriaca:   (tare–ee–AH–cah) medicinal that supposedly protects against all poisons;
Via Salita:  (VEE-ah sah-LEE-tah): the “the Road to the Realm of the Blessed”; the primary road leading from the Beggars Ring to the Heights;
Villa Giusti:  (JOO-stee) a fortified residence attached to the Philosophic Academie in the Heights of Cantagna;

  The Hours
Hour of the Spirits:   3am; aka half-night;
Hour of Business:   6am; aka morning;
Hour of Profits:   9am; aka half-morn;
Hour of Respite:   3pm; aka half-day;
Hour of Gathering:   6pm; aka evening;
Hour of Contempation:   6am; aka half-even;


  In the Language of the Old Costa Drago
cachi:   (CAH-chee) a persimmon-like fruit;
capo:   captain or leader;
cederé:   (CHEH–dah–ray) yield;
cinque :   (CHEEN–kay) five;
essere ancora, lo spirito maligno:   (ESS–eh–ray ahn–CORE–ah low SPIH–ree–toe mah–LIG–no) "be still malignant spirit"; chanted by nullifiers as they approach sorcerers;
fino al ritorno degli Dei Invisibili.:   (FEE-no ahl ree-TORE-no daily DAY-ee eenn-VEE-see-bee-lee) until the Unseeable Gods return;
giuntura:   (zhee-ahn-TOO-rah: a betrothal ceremony;
incrocio:   (in-CROW-chee-oh): crossroad;
il Padroné: (eel pah-DROW-nay) the Master, ie a benevolent fatherly sort who grants favors;
la tua vera padrona/padroné ti aspetta:  your true mistress/master awaits;
l'scrittóre:   (el scree-TORE-ay) the scribe;
mago:   (MAH-go) sorcerer;
magrillaio:   (mah-grill-EYE-oh) butcher
maré:   (MAH–ray) sea;
pérasma:  (PEAR-ahss-mah) name used for small, rubble buildings scatterd throughout the Costa Drago; they have a circular dome set on four walls; often built over hot pools; mostly ruined, of unknown origin; means literally “the passage”;
scala ciondolante:   (skah-lah chee-OWN-doe-LAHN-tay) a very steep (dangling) staircase;
sigillaré:   (sih-jill-AH-ray) be sealed;
spada de lato:   (SPAH-dah day LAH-toe) arming sword (predecessor of rapier);
stronzo:   (SHTRON-zo) asshole;
tenente:  (ten-EN-tay): lieutenant;
tesure:   (teh–ZHU–ray) paymaster;
trattiere:   (trah–tee–YEH–ray) traitor;
riposa nella Notte Eterna:   (ree-POE-sah nell-ah NOT-tay eh-TARE-nah) rest in the Night Eternal;
ritorna al fuoco:   (ree-TORN-oh ahl FWOH-coe) return to the fire;
Vattene spiriti rotti:   (vah-TEY-nay SPEAR-ee-tee RAW-tee) Begone, broken spirits;
vendetta omnia:   campaign of revenge that includes children, cousins, retainers, business partners, every remote connection;
vicino figlia:   (vih-CHEE-no FEE-lee-ah) near daughter, ie. similar to goddaughter;
vicino padre:  (vih-CHEE-no) near father, ie. like a godfather;


  In the Language ofPaolin
[name]–zha/[name]–zhi:   (zhah/zhee) polite way of using woman’s/man's personal name;
vaiya:   (vie-yah) butterfly;
kailing:   (KAY-ling) tidbits of meat, vegetables, noodles or whatever is available put together for a light meal;
naihi:   (nigh-hee) mama;
sainye:   (SAHN-yeh) pillar;
kieyu:   (KYAY-you) sedan chair;
tónf­ún:   (TAWN-FOON) gout;


  In the Language of Typhon
deíxe éleos:   (DAY–ix ELL–yose) DAY–ix ELL–yose
dóse mou dynami:   (DOE–say moo DEE–nah – me) give me strength;
kyria :   (KIH–ree–uh) lady;
mystiko :   (MISS–tee–coe) secret;
okeanú:   (oh–kee–AH–nu) ocean;
síko páno:   (SEE–coe PAH – no)stand up;
skatá:   (SKAH–tah) shit;
synchorste tin apotychía mou:   (seen-core-ES-tay teen ah-POE-tee-HEE-ah MOW) forgive my failure;
synchorste tin adynamia mou:   (seen-core-ES-tay teen ah-dee-nah-ME-ah mow)forgive my weakness;
theíko patéra:   (TAY–ee–coe pah–TERR–uh)divine father;
theía mitéra:   (TAY–uh me–TERR–uh)goddess mother;
ton nisión:   (ton nee-SHON) from the islands;
tyflós:   (TEE-flee-yos) blind;
voíthisé:   (VOY–tee–suh) help;
xypna :   (ZEEP – nuh) wake up;



  Citizens of Cantagna
Romy:   (ROW-me) a former courtesan; aka Mistress Cataline, aka l'scrittóre of Lizard's Alley;
Neri:   (NAIR–ee) Romy's fifteen-year-old brother;

Placidio di Vasil:   (plah–SEED–dee–oh dee vah–SEAL) a professional duelist and swordmaster;

Bonaguido (Basha) Dumond :   (bow-nah-GWEE-doe doo-MOND) a metalsmith, painter, and sculptor;
Vashti:   (VAHSH-tee) A seamstress and needle artist; Dumond's wife;
Cittina:   (chih-TEE-nah) Vashti and Dumond's eldest (fourteen years) daughter;
Laleh, Aria and Enia:   (LAY-lah, AH-ree-ah, EH-nee-ah) Vashti and Dumond's younger daughters

Alessandro di Gallanos:   (gah-LAH-no-ss) a wealthy banker and segnoré of House Gallanos; aka il Padroné and the Shadow Lord and Sandro;
Gilliette di Manvile-Gallanos:   (jih-lee-EHT dee MAHN-veel gah-LAH-no-ss)
Lodovico di Gallanos:   (low-doe-VEE-coe) Alessandro's deceased uncle, known as a depraved and ruthless man;

Rinaldo di Bastianni:   (rih-NALL-doe bah-stee-AH-nee) One of three Philosophist Directors of Cantagna's Philosophic Academie; an expert in sacred antiquities;
Donato di Bastianni:   (doe-NAHT-toe): age twenty-one, eldest son of Rinaldo and his wife Dian; brother to Silvio, age eighteen, and two others;
Piero di Nardo:  the Steward of Cantagna;
Livia di Nardo:  only daughter of Piero di Nardo, the Steward of Cantagna, and his second wife, Andreanna;

Matteo di Berlinguer:   segnoré of House Berlinguer, which controls the docks and port traffic;
Rodrigo di Fermi:   (FAIR-me) segnoré of House Fermi;
Lucrezia di Fermi:   (lew-CRETZ-ee-ah) Rodrigo's wife;
Genevra di Gavonti:   segnora of House Gavonti, which owns the land where most of Cantagna's markets are situated;
Civenne die Longello:   segnora of House Longello,which historically controls the rules and operation of the city gates;
Vitalo di Malavesi:   boyhood friend of Alessandro; segnoré of House Malavesi, which owns river barges and warehouses;
Beatrice and Piero di Mesca:   wealthy Cantagnans; members of the Public Arts Commission;
Naldo di Savilli:   segnoré of House Navilli, descendant of the hereditary grand ducs of Cantagna;
Lorenz di Savilli:   Naldo's son and heir;
Arrigo di Secchi:   (SEH-chee) boyhood friend of Alessandro; segnoré of House Secchi, which controls the market in horses and the land apportioned for horse farms;
Falco di Taglino :   Governor of the Sestorale Prison;

Agoston saz Rumos:   (AH-goes-tone sahz ROOM-oss): owner of an exclusive, confidential message delivery service;
Bagi:  (BAH-gee): one of the Cavalieri Teschio; Capo Mannia's brutish, gravel-voiced lieutenant;
Basilio:   Germond the ironmonger's partner;
Benedetto:  an elderly helper at the coliseum cave-in;
Boschetti:   (boss–KEH–tee) an antiguities merchant; married to Paola di Boschetti (PAH – oh – la)
Dolce, Cino:   (DOLE-chay, CHEE-no) the next oldest sister and brother of Romy and Neri's eight living siblings;
Eliani di Corso:  (ell-ee-YAH-nee dee CORE-so): a foreign student at the Academie; one of Romy's personae;
Ettore:   (ET – or – ray) Alessandro's favored assassin and bodyguard; albino twin to Gigo;
Fesci:   (FESS – key) Owner of the Duck's Bone Alehouse;
Gacci:  (GAH-chee) a household usher in Villa Giusti;
Germond:   an ironmonger; neighbor of Romy and Neri; Basilio's partner;
Gigo:   (ZHEE-go) Alessandro's favored bodyguard; albino twin to Ettore;
Legamo:  a praetorian captain;
Lucci:   captain of a troop of mercenaries frequently hired by Alessandro;
Mannia:   a captain, capo of the Cavalieri Teschio;
Mantegna, Cosimo:   (KAUS-ee-mo mahn-TAIN-yah) the Shadow Lord's consigliere, his advisor in matters of the law;
Mariella di Bianchi:  a bookbinder and publisher of pamphlets;
Micola:   (MEE-koe-lah) a maidservant in Alessadro's household; Romy's former maidservant;
Nico di Savene:  (NEE-coe dee sah-VENN): Neri's role as a new foreign student at the Academie;
Nis:  (nihss) one of Romy's personae; a servant in the Cavalieri Teschio;
Nozzo:   a praetorian lanterne,a recruit charged with carrying a lantern or other light for night operations;
Nuccio:   disciplinarian at the Moon House;
Pascal and Mekki:   friends of Vashti and Dumond; Dumond rents space in Pascal's forge;
Pizottis:   a disreputable once-noble House; Digo><.B> the segnoré; Buto Digo's nephew and cousin to Tartuno and Vesci;
Tano:  (TAH-noe) a philosophist academician who holds the position of master of ceremonies at the Academie;
Tirza:  (TEER-zah) Livia di Nardo's former lover;
Vivienne di Agnesi:  (ahg-NESS-see) a reclusive and notoriously vengeful female painter, who employs only women;
Zattiglia:  (zah-TEAL-ee-ah) a philosophist enforcer; retired First Defender and Protector of the Seal of the Philosophic Confraternity;

Aventai:   lawyer; Romy's customer;
Cinetti:   a sleazy lawyer; Romy's potential customer;
Garibaldi:   a lawyer; Romy's customer;
Renzo:   a notary; Romy's customer;


  From Outside Cantagna
Cerelia Balbina Andreana di Vizio:   the tyrant Protector of Mercediare;
Domenika:   Teo's mentor;
Eduardo di Corradini:   the grand duc of Riccia-by-the-sea;
Lenore di Tessio:   Commissioner of the Cuaronan Wool Guild;
Teo:   (TAY-oh) a mysterious young man from the Isles of Lesh, rescued from drowning;


  Beings of Myth
Aea, Lady Virtue:   (AYE-ah) daughter of Atladu and Gione; twin to Espe;
Antigoneas of Sysaline :   (an – TIG – oh – NEE – us) legendary sculptor who cast his bronzes in the forge of the god Atladu in the drowned city of Sysaline;
Atladu:   (aht-LAH-doo) god of sea and sky; retired after the Wars of Creation;
Caste of the Great Fish:  a pejorative for the Vodai;
Chloni:   (CLONE-ee) the creator of stars;
Dragonis:   (drah-GO-niss) the beautiful winged monster; the First of Atladu and Gione's children, now prisoned under the Costa Drago and Sysaline; seeded the world with sorcery; aka the Enemy;
Enemy, the:   the human expression of Dragonis; sometimes appears as a male, sometimes as female;
Espe, Lady Fortune:   (ESS-pay) daughter of Atladu and Gione; twin to Aea;
Gione:   (zhee-OH-nay) mother of earth and air;
Leviathan:   a great sea monster roused by Atladu who imprisoned Dragonis beneath the waves;
Macheon:   (MAH-kay-own) the most powerful of the ancient order of the Dragoni, mages who took their power from the fires of the earth;
Manadi:   (mah-NAH-dee) the huntress;
Timeless Watch:  those Vodai and their descendants who guard the imprisoned Macheon;
Veitan:   (VIE-tahn) the gateward for the passages between earth-sky-sea-the Night Eternal-the Abyss;
Vodai:  (VOE-die) an ancient caste of mages who derive their power from water;



  The Nine Independencies of the Costa Drago
Argento :   (are–GEN (hard g)–toe)
Cantagna:   (khan–TAHN–yah)
Cuarona:   (kwah–ROAN–ah)
Invidia:   (in-VID-ee-ah) poor mountain independency;
Kairys:   (CARE–ees) heart of the cloth trade;
Mercediare :   (mer–CHED–ee–are) sprawling independency that includes two hundred islands;
Riccia–by–the–sea :   (REE–chee–uh) wealthy independency with a large standing army;
Tibernia:   (tie-BURN-ee-ah) port city;
Varela :   (vah–RELL–ah) coastal independency; home of explorers and fishermen;


  Other Lands
Eide:   (ide) distant land renowned for its sheep;
Empyria:   a desert land;
Hylides:   (HIGH-lih-dees) cluster of islands off the coast of Varela in the Mare Lacrimé - the Sea of Tears;
Isles of Lesh:   group of distant islands far into the Mare Lacrimé;
Lhampur:   (lom–POOR)land of high mountains;
Paolin:   (pah–oh–LIN) land of the Shadhi;
Sysaline:   (siss-ah-LEAN) city of myth; drowned when Dragonis was improsoned beneath the Costa Drago and the Sea of Tears;
Typhon:   (tie-fon) Ancient island nation renowned for art and culture, absorbed by Mercediare;
Umbrae Lunae:   (UHM-bray LOO-nigh) Typhonese city buried by a volcano;



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